Specialist Periodontist with special interest in implant therapies and conscious sedation
Fahd Saleh BDS, MFGDP (UK), MJDF RCSEng, DipConSed, DipMan, DipRD RCSEng, MClindent, MPerioRCSEdin
Effective solutions for severe dental problems

Fahd accepts referrals from dentists, hygienists and patient self referrals for:
- the assessment and management of patients with severe gum diseases
- the management of gum deformities such as gum recession
- placement of dental implants
- management of inflammatory reactions to dental implants
- management of gum discrepancies to allow for multidisciplinary dental rehabilitation
- oral surgery and restorative care for all patient groups
- provision of dental treatment under conscious sedation
Patients are ONLY treated for the referred condition and are discharged back upon completion of active treatment.
We also welcome members of the public who wish to see Fahd directly.
To refer or to book a consultation, please click on one of the following practice links: